Off in the woods in the quiet
morning a redbird is singing
and his song goes out around him
greater than its purpose,
a welcoming room of song
in which the trees stand,
through which the creek flows.
~ From Sabbaths by Wendell Berry
Dear Reader,
(For millennials - TLDR: growth => change => action).
Advance happy Earth day, everyone!
I believe I am at week 7 of solo practice and things are getting settled in at Lupine Family Medicine. I have a little pharmacy. I have 10 established patients!
Six of them are brand new to me and the other four I have known before my business. I have 9 more who have registered to be my patients but have not had their first appointment yet. I am hoping to have them all scheduled by next week.
Something that has been surprising with starting my practice/business: I have had 3 very nice people apply to work with me - and I have NOT posted for any position yet! And they are extremely wonderful human beings. I am looking forward to being able to afford hiring them - so the sooner I have 60-100 patients, the sooner I can hire these wonderful people. I am hoping to hire an office assistant by summer to help me with clerical work. Then eventually add a care coordination nurse once I am at 200 patients.
One announcement that potential patients may want to know: my first 100 patients - my “founder” patients - will have the current pricing of $85 for adults and $50 for kids. After my first 100 patients have established, pricing will change to $90 for adults and $55 for kids while my founder pricing will stay the same because these patients took a chance on me and I greatly appreciate it!
I will soon start marketing my practice in a more systematic manner. I apparently made mistakes with my first two weeks’ attempt at Facebook ads because I had unknowingly been advertising to the ENTIRE United States. Thank you to the very kind and tech savvy people Wenatchee Insurance Agency; they helped me figure this out. If anyone wants to help me with marketing in Facebook and Instagram - for free - please let me know. I have attempted a couple of times and felt like I wasted 2 hours of my life so I have not wanted to attempt again. Thus, I’ve decided to try the old-fashioned way of advertising. Two days ago, I sent in a press release that a couple of friends helped me write to local news people and have not heard anything back. If anyone knows anyone at our local news, I would appreciate your help!
As for my clinic itself, there are only very few things left to do such as move in my giant ficus plant that I bought when I started my family medicine residency in 2007. I had just graduated from medical school and was 25 years old. The plant was about 6 inches tall then. Now it is probably 9 feet tall! It is the photo for this blog post with my medical school diploma in the background. It’s currently taking up room in our tiny home office that doubles as a closet for boys’ toys and stuff that doesn’t belong anywhere.
And speaking of diplomas, I had copies sent from my university and I had it professionally framed but it is still being worked on. I did not know it would take this long. Hence, my clinic walls are still bare. But the good news is because it has taken so long to get these diplomas framed, I am being given a huge discount for them. (There are lots of bills when you are a business owner; any discount is appreciated.)
When I look at my ficus plant and its growth, I think of my own growth as a person since being a student for what seemed like a very brief time though it took 11 years from college to the end of residency to be a family physician. Through that timeframe until now, there’s been an amazing amount of changes in myself - similar, seemingly seismic changes in the world - an example below:
me: approval addiction (college and med school) => imposter syndrome (life as an attending/mom/wife) => cultural humility (summer of life)
world communications: AOL => texting/cell phones => social media/smartphones to Chatgpt - whatever that is and whatever it is going to do to the world.
The practice of medicine has completely changed as well - the electronic medical record is ubiquitous and data mining from this is becoming the goal of pretty much everyone in the medical industry; except for the patient and the doctor. For me, and for a lot of physicians, the goal is still to take care of another human being by using the science and art of medicine. And by starting my own practice, I hope to keep it that way.
Now that I’ve updated about where I’m at and where I was before I started, I’d like to announce what my next few blogs and FB posts will be to keep myself accountable to keep writing blogs/posts because they still will not write themselves for me. And I promise this: this blog will always be written by a human!
The next blog posts will be about my services at Lupine, something about what philosophies/art influence how I practice as a physician, and why is it called Lupine part II.
And as always, dear reader, if you have any blog post ideas or feedback about all the stuff I am writing here or just let me know that someone else is actually reading these posts other than my husband, please send me a message at
Dr. Hendrick
© 2023 Angela C. Hendrick
Hours of operation
Monday-Friday (By appointment only)
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @lupinefamilymed
135 S Worthen St.
Suite 200
Wenatchee, WA 98801
| Lupine Family Medicine